PROJECT. Alter Ego by Nexus Designs

PROJECT. Alter Ego by Nexus Designs
by Shopify API
PROJECT | Alter Ego
DESIGN | Nexus Designs
TYPE | Residential
LOCATION | Melbourne, Australia
PHOTOGRAPHY | Marie-Luise Skibbe
A bright refresh of an iconic 1960s Robin Boyd apartment, where classic Modernism meets the Centre Pompidou in contemporary South Yarra. Nexus Designs took a respectful and light-handed approach to reinstate aspects of Boyd’s original 1962 vision while adding light, flow and generosity of space.
A subtle palette is accented with vivid orange pipework in a playful nod to 1960s design, and a more user-friendly corridor creates ease of movement in the project that venerates the building’s essential character while adding contemporary allure.

KITCHEN | Rey Stool, Arcs Vase and Kaleido Tray - all from HAY.

DINING | HAY Rey Table, Carl Hansen & Son CH24 and CH36 Chairs, HAY Pao Portable Table Lamp, Gubi 9602 Floor Lamp, HAY Splash Vase and Splash Platter.

TERRACE | HAY Palissade Outdoor Table and Chairs, plus HAY PC Portable Table Lamp.

LIVING | Gubi Wonder Sofa, HAY Common Floor Lamp, Gubi Pedrera Coffee Table, HAY Rey Stool.

KITCHEN AND STUDY NOOK | Rey Stool, Arcs Vase and Kaleido Tray - all from HAY.

LIVING | Gubi Wonder Sofa, HAY Rey Stool, &Tradition Boomerang Armchair, &Tradition VP9 Flowerpot Table Lamp.

BATHROOM | Laundry Basket and Paper Paper Bin - both from HAY.