EVENT GALLERY. Green Design Show 2024

Green Design Show 2024 | DESIGN ETERNAL

From July 17th to 19th, the Melbourne Exhibition Centre was abuzz with excitement as Decor + Design, Australia's premier interiors trade event, celebrated its 20th anniversary. This year's theme, "Evolution," marked a significant milestone with the introduction of the Green Design Show. Partnered with the Green Building Council of Australia and Circular Design Thinking, the event was curated with a strong focus on sustainability and innovation.

Over 9,000 design trade visitors attended Decor + Design to explore a vibrant showcase of heritage and emerging Australian brands. The event featured a wide range of products, including furniture, soft furnishings, lighting, textiles, and art.

The Green Design Show, a highlight of this year’s event, welcomed attendees at the entrance with an exhibition dedicated to truly sustainable furniture, products, and materials. It featured leading brands from the Australian green design sector, offering a glimpse into the future of sustainable interiors. A standout attraction was the Green Design Hub, which made a triumphant return after its successful debut in 2023. Centrally located within the Green Design Show, this hub was a designer-curated space showcasing innovative materials and sustainable design practices.

Design Eternal by CULTIVATED.

One of the event's highlights was the debut of "Design Eternal" by Cultivated. This short film underscored the importance of the repair and reuse movement, showcasing how high-quality, thoughtful design can combat the fast furniture industry, which contributes over 200,000 tons of waste to landfills annually. Design Eternal celebrated the artisans, workshops, and makers who rejuvenate tired and worn products, supporting a sustainable circular economy.


By supporting Cultivated, attendees contributed to the preservation of local craftsmanship and the strengthening of local economies, directly benefiting 14 partner workshops across Australia.

All display materials in this exhibition are either made from recycled materials, and are recyclable or will be re-used.

- The display plinths were first used in Cult Design's 2023 'Design Icons Exhibition' and are now used in Cult Design showrooms, nation wide.
- All display panels, are printed on sustainably sources cardboard and will be re-used in Cult Design showrooms or recycled after the exhibition.
- The walls will be disassembled and all materials will be re-sued in Mark Tuckey's workshop.
- The television was sourced from Cult Design Melbourne and was returned after the event.

We have made a conscious effort to minimise the environmental footprint of this exhibition, however we continue to learn and educate ourselves on sustainable practices and ways in which we can make a difference to our collective futured. We invite you to join us in doing the same.

*The Cultivated products on display are available for sale


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Photography | Tom Hutton


Cultivated is a program designed to offer an alternative to disposable culture, honouring the integrity of authentic furniture and lighting which has been designed with consideration and manufactured with care. 

From a single lounge chair in need of re-upholstery, to an entire office space of worn-out-desking, we work with local manufacturers and craftspeople to restore, reinvigorate or recycle original design pieces, creating a sustainable circular economy for authentic furniture and lighting. 

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